Bohdan Kupych - CfE Accelerator

Bohdan Kupych

  • Vice President for Business Development of KM Core Company.
  • The first president and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine for 10 years.
  • Expert and Member of the Academic Council of the MSc in Innovations and Entrepreneurship LvBS program.
  • He lectured on marketing and entrepreneurship at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School and was a keynote speaker at the International Technology Symposium at Stanford.
  • He studied political science at York University, graduated from leadership programs at the INSEAD business school and venture business management at the Haas Business School in California, and has a diploma in management and an MBA from Athabasca University in Canada. He has 25 years of experience in the technology business.
  • Bohdan will help you in the marketing and technological areas.